Lately, especially after the release of Galaxy S2, the south korean company has made significant progress and managed very well to improve their products, getting so to be on top choices of the buyers.
The customer support also became more professional, considering the fact that lately the hardware components built bySamsung is more powerful and software features are also updates, which requires less support and a much less service support from the company, now that lifetime of the devices are guaranteed much longer than five years, for example, buyers usually prefer to buy another smartphone than to repair the old one.
Samsung has made great efforts in recent years to equip all of its smartphones with updated operating systems, providing more options and helping so his buyers to use more easily the devices purchased. Last marketing strategy is to open stores within stores at best buy locations, locations where those interested can test products and receive advice from the most qualified representatives of the south korean company.
By early summer more than 1400 stores within stores will be built over such best buy sites, which will bring more buyers, and testing and using Galaxy S4 will certainly be a pleasure for his buyers.